Why Boy Should not Cry ?

Why Boy Should not Cry : If you are a girl then this question must be arising in you that what are the reasons due to which girls are not born?Or this question must be arising in you that why boys don’t cry?

if you have this Question then you have come to the right place because today we are going to tell you about it through this medium.After all, why does a boy or a man not cry? So without further ado, Let us understand the psychology behind this crying of boys.

Why should not cry psychology

After all, before understanding why girls do not cry, we should understand why a person cries. If you understand this, then you will also understand this.Why do boys not cry then without much delay let us understand this.

  1. Whenever a person cries, he cries because he likes something very much.And that thing means a lot to that person But due to some reason the man is not able to get that thing due to which
  2. he starts thinking very bad about himself.Due to which tears come easily from any person Girls are very naive in this matter, due to this,
  3. as soon as they do not get something, they immediately burst into tears.Even when boys are small in childhood, tears come out after talking to them.But as boys grow up, they understand this and hence they become
  4. Yes, but if it is of some person and not of some thing, then the boys will definitely cry over this.For example, if a boy’s parents die or someone he loves dies, the boy will definitely cry.

When someone cheats

Often, if we look at the psychology behind crying of any person, a person cries because he has suffered a big shock in his life. The person starts crying because his favorite person betrayed him.

Girls are very weak in this matter, that is why they immediately start crying on this matter, but boys do not on this matter.There is very little chance that a boy would cry over this issue, otherwise the boy would not even cry over this issue.Only ten out of 100 boys cry about this .

Boy cries when he fails

Boys definitely start crying because of this. If the boys do any work then the boys have the same attitude towards us that this work must be successful.If the work of the boys is not successful then the boys start crying about it.In this case you will find that most of the boys start crying about this.

90% of boys start crying when they fail, so this is the biggest reason for boys crying.Because boys cry when they fail in any work because they have given their precious time to that work.To do anything less, boys spend less

time with their families and leave the company of their loved ones.Then when that work is not successful then in this situation the person’s needs emerge.

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