Why Breakup is so hard

Why a breakup is so hard Why a man gets devastated by a breakup All these questions might be arising in you if there has been a breakup with you or if there has been a breakup with someone you know.

If you want to know and understand the reason behind this then you do not have to be worried. If you want to know and understand the reason behind this then you do not have to be worried.

For this you will have to read our contact carefully, after this it will become completely clear to you.Why is a breakup so difficult for a person?

Why break up is so hard for everyone

It has often been seen that whether a boy breaks up with a girl or a girl breaks up with a boy, both of them feel pain.If a boy leaves a girl then the girl also feels a lot of pain and if a girl leaves a boy then he also feels a lot of pain.

So first you have to remove the misconception from your mind that only boys feel the pain of breakup, girls also feel the same pain.What is the meaning of breakup? Let us first understand it. Whenever a person says to someone that I am breaking up with you.

So there are many reasons behind saying this, the first one being that either she is not happy with the man.or he doesn’t like that person The habits of a person are beyond his understanding.

Due to so many karmas, a person becomes different from someone else.Now the person to whom the breakup is said is sad because now he will neither be able to meet the person again nor will be able to talk to him or see him.

Because by being with someone for a long time, a bond is formed and as soon as that person gets scared, you will feel the absence of that person every moment.Due to which a person becomes very sad

A person becomes very sad due to past memories.

Any person becomes more sad after a breakup because he starts remembering all the consequences of being with that person.The person remembers all the things that he did with that person,

with whom Vivek went and wherever he went for a walk.The partner also remembers that the promises made to each other have been broken.Apart from this, thoughts also run inside the person at this time that now he cannot live without the dog because the person starts thinking that when he used to live with him, that Happy also A person cannot be happy considering so many things.

This is the reason why when a person breaks up with someone, he becomes very sad.

gets worried about his future

It is often seen that when a person breaks up with someone, he gets upset because he has told all his friends about the girl.Now as soon as his friends come to know that they have broken up,

their friends will come together and make fun of him.Due to this joke, the person starts feeling very sad about the people whom he has told about his affair.Anyway, he will not be asked questions again due to which the person becomes very sad.

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